Sunday, March 13, 2011

Short post today

Sorry about the length of this post but even for those who don't like I really had to show this...

It's just awesome XD


It's not that heavy... I think it's all about how you use the strength of your back, before you break it.

Last but not least:


Friday, March 11, 2011

It's been a while.

Hi there, sorry i haven't posted for a while, but I went to the beach totally forgot about the blog.
good thing is, it was awesome, well I did get sunburn but that's not too bad. Tanned Japanese are weird.

I have to learn how to program using LATEX and MATLAB , probably R too. Latex is not that hard, but MATLAB can be a pain...

I don't really have anything else to say.. for now.
Anyway, here's today's random video.

and another one

Cya later.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Games + Internet

Let's say your friends can't came over to play, or live too far or simply are not in the mood. Play it online, surely there are other people wanting to play multiplayer too and are having the same problems as you are. Well, that's what game with online features meant.
But lately, online features are what? Facebook, Twitter. Friend based leaderboards. Achievements, thousands of those "You just unlocked 'hit with weak punch' achievement.
Or worse, 'this game has an update - 365mb. Details: Facebook integration; Minor bugs fixed.
Well whatever.
Tomorrow will be a good day =]

Anyways, here's today's random video, hope you guys like it:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lightning Vs Tifa Demo Battle

Before I go sleep here's some footage of Duodecim

Good night

Cosplaying idea

Spongeworthy gave me a great idea. Not that the other ideas were bad but this one really got my attention XD
I just measured myself  and got the design, now i need some one to sew it for me... oh crap... it was supposed to be the holiday plan right? XD
Nevermind that, the cosplay will be for the next animexpo around here.

Talking about cosplay. There are some really impressive cosplayers. Browse sankaku complex for the Tag Tomia. Either she's really cute, or her personal photoshopper is really skilled. There's also Kipi I think.

Well... sorry but I don't really have anything else to say today... other then i sold my old car =].
Resellers are really good people XD

Anyway, good night for now.
PS: I plan on posting more then just plain text, for the next days.

Friday, March 4, 2011

5 days Holiday =D

I know my classes just started at February  21th, but it's great to have a 5 days Holiday XD.
The problem is, I don't know what to do, shame on me. I have plans for Sunday: Ride inline roller skates, or fall trying. I'm still learning.... anyways. Tomorrow is food restocking day. for the last three days I really don't know what to do.
Well I'll play PS3 at night on Monday. And apparently, so far I'll be making photosynthesis for the rest of the time.
Any ideas?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Steve Jobs... a Great Business man

You know... I always thought that Apple products were a little overpriced, I didn't really mind that. They put a 'lot' of effort in design and software. Overall the quality is great. What was that they say? Innovative?
Well true, but they make such a huge advertising and show offs to make you buy, not exactly make you buy, but instigate you to. (is that the right word?)
But there's always a catch and it's actually pretty simple, just like : "Hey look at this, it's the best there is, can make everything. Have a great quality. It's the top piece of hardware." 2 months later, "Hey look, that one is outdated, this is thinner, faster, and the battery lasts longer".
Guessed already what I'm talking about? I'll give you 5 points if you said iPad, well.... iPad 2.
It goes on sale march 11th. check it out : and
Well and here I was thinking, just how many people will preorder it already.
I went to eat out today... passed on an apple store. And saw some random guy filling a preorder nice huh?
Well i kind of got tricked into something similar once , bought an iPod touch 3g, two weeks later, iPod touch 4g released. heh
Well then, already wasted your time... so good night.